Stevenson University student, and baseball player, Erik Arenberg, of Court House, spent time volunteering at Paul’s Place with fellow team members.
Paul’s Place is a non-profit organization in Baltimore City, that serves the members of the Washington Village neighborhood.
The Stevenson baseball players served in the clothing bank portion of the organization, acting as personal shoppers to help women of the community find warm jackets and clothing for themselves and their families during the upcoming season.
Morgan Tozour, of Court House, graduated from York College of Pennsylvania on Dec. 21. Tozour earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Nursing.
Christopher Knipe, of Erma, along with other students enrolled in The Commonwealth Medical College’s (TCMC) master of biomedical science program at the Baruch S. Blumberg Institute (BSBI) in Doylestown, conducted a holiday food drive benefiting the Bucks County Opportunity Council.
The mission of the Bucks County Opportunity Council is to reduce poverty and partner with the community to promote economic self-sufficiency. The students collected more than 575 food items.
Casey Byrne, of Marmora, graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration in management during commencement exercises Dec. 16 and 17 at Coastal Carolina University.
The following are local Misericordia University students who applied and were eligible to participate in the winter commencement ceremony Dec. 18:
Allison Ortman, Court House, Occupational Therapy – Doctorate, OTD
Emily Paul, of Court House, graduated from Kent State University with a Master of Arts from the College of Communication and Information.
Paul is among over 1,600 students who received bachelor’s, master’s, doctoral, associate and educational specialist degrees during Kent State’s 2016 Summer Commencement ceremony.
Stone Harbor – Come on CNN, FOX shows democrat AND republican news! Get with it or you are going to lose again. DeSantis was just now and you CNN did not show it. How are people going to get fair and balanced news…