By: Kathy Troy
WILDWOOD– Every child dreams of the day they can ride their first bicycle and parents forever cherish the memory of this milestone accomplishment. However, for some children with special needs, this may never become a reality. On November 19th, the Greater Wildwood Elks Lodge made this dream come true for a very wonderful boy. The Lodge presented him with a shiny red tricycle custom designed to accommodate special needs.
Connor Proud is a seven-year old child with multiple disabilities and a student at Ocean Academy. Surrounded by his family and a host of Elk members, Connor was off and pedaling before our very eyes. “Just to watch him ride on his own after only a few minutes is amazing.” said his mother, Dawn Proud. Connor just began walking a little less than a year ago with the persistent help of his nine-year old brother Eddie. Just recently, he accomplished standing up on his own. Now, with Eddie once again by his side, he is pedaling a bike for the first time.
The cost of the tricycle is $1,014 and it comes with some very important features. The steering is designed separate from the pedals, which reduces the amount of coordination needed to operate. A trunk support system aids users who have difficulty remaining upright and corrects excessive leaning. A rear steering bar and front guide bar allows a caregiver to assist in guiding the tricycle. The pedals are equipped with adjustable straps to keep the feet in place.
Kass Fredericksdorf, Special Children Chairperson, coordinated the purchase and presentation of the tricycle. On hand to assist were Lou Sottnick, ER, and his wife Lois Sottnick, who gladly tended to Connor’s eight-month old baby sister while his mom and dad took part in the event. The family of Connor Proud wishes to express their sincere gratitude to the Elks for their kindness and generosity in providing this very special holiday gift.
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