DENNISVILLE – The Old School House Museum in Dennisville now has its own website, independent from the township website.
“We wanted to set up a site with more space to enable us to download our extensive collection of photographs and historical information without taking up the township’s limited website space,” Di Cicco said. “The new site will allow students and local history buffs to research their community more easily.”
He added that he hoped it would also encourage more residents to utilize the free museum on Petersburg Road, in the heart of Dennisville.
Tom Laughlin, whose Power of Production Studio created the website, pointed out that having its own unique website would give the museum more space to upload individual family photo collections and other memorabilia of local interest.
Best of all, Laughlin added, he created the site free of charge. The lifelong North Dennis resident has been volunteering at the museum, which has ignited his interest in local history.
Museum curator Ray Rebmann hopes the wealth of information that will be made available on the website will encourage more people to investigate the long, rich history of Dennis Township.
“And there’s no better place to begin exploring than our own Old School House Museum.”
For now, the museum is open the first and third Saturdays of each month from 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. But Rebmann noted that those hours would be expanded if there is sufficient interest.
“We can always use volunteers to help us open more often,” he said. “All you need is a sense of curiosity about the place where you live.”
The new website is For more information, contact Di Cicco or Rebmann at the museum or call (609) 861-1899
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