RIO GRANDE — Nina Ranalli, Executive Director of the Cape May County Coast Guard Community Foundation, announced this week several events taking place in the upcoming year.
First, November 19 is the official ceremony for the commissioning of the USCG Rollin A. Fritch, a Sentinel Class or “Fast Response Cutter” (FRC) to be homeported at Training Center Cape May. This is the first of three FRCs to be homeported at TRACEN replacing the aging (now 40 years old) 210-foot cutters previously based there.
Second, the Foundation also will assist with planning for the spring 2017 commissioning of the USCG Lawrence Lawson, the base’s second Fast Response Cutter. Each of these new Cutters is valued at $65 million. The maintenance and staffing of these FRCs is an important contribution to the year-round economy of Cape May County.
Finally, the Foundation will host its third annual Coast Guard Community Festival May 5-7, 2017, during which, in addition to numerous other tours and festivities, at least one of these new, state-of-the-art FRCs will be open for public tours.
For more information on the above events, please check the Foundation’s website at
In addition to the events outlined above, the Foundation plans to place special emphasis on its educational mission in the coming year. “We wish to share with our residents the importance of the Coast Guard to our area,” commented Vicki Clark, Cape May County Chamber of Commerce President and Coast Guard Community Foundation Trustee. “Currently, economic benefit of the Coast Guard in Cape May County is estimated at over $165 million per year distributed throughout the region,” Clark added.
The Foundation plans to achieve its mission not only by expanding educational components of the Coast Guard Community Festival, but also through development of programs that allow the public to interact with Coast Guard members and facilities throughout the year, including limited advance reservation seating at TRACEN graduations, a “Must Experience” event for all Cape May County residents.
“We invite all interested Cape May County residents to contact us regarding volunteer opportunities on Foundation committees as well as Board of Trustee service,” said Will Morey, Chairman of the Foundation’s Board and Cape May County Freeholder, “We’re looking forward to welcoming new Coast Guard families to our community and are seeking broad-based support for and involvement in programs to assure these families know how much they and their service are valued.”
Foundation Trustees engage residents, develop opportunities for the Coast Guard to interact with the general public, recruit volunteers, oversee budgeting and expenditures, participate in fundraising and join in strategic planning.
In order to be considered for Trustee service, individuals must reside or work in Cape May County, support the Foundation’s mission, contribute to the Foundation financially or through in-kind donation and be willing to engage in execution of events and programs. Expected time commitments are: one 90-minute Board meeting per month, social events estimated at four annual events lasting 2-3 hours each and attendance at the Coast Guard Community Festival the first weekend in May. Estimated time to complete duties listed above is five hours per month.
Individuals may contact Nina Ranalli at to set up a time to discuss interest.
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