Wednesday, December 11, 2024


Coast Guard ‘Adopts’ Cape May Elementary School


By Jack Fichter

CAPE MAY — A formal ceremony cemented a new partnership between the U.S. Coast Guard Training Center (TRACEN) here and Cape May Elementary School through the Partnership in Education Plan (PIE).
About 60 percent of the school’s students are from Coast Guard families, according to CWO2 Veronica Colbath. The partnership will continue despite whatever personnel changes occur over the years at the base, she said.
LCDR Scott A. Rae hosted an assembly Thur., April 7 at the school attended by students, Mayor Edward J. Mahaney Jr., Cape May City Board of Education members, parents and Coast Guard personnel.
Rae acknowledged HS1 April Allen for working with the school for four years, over 600 hours of service.
Cape May Elementary School Superintendent Victoria Zelenak said the make up of the audience represented the spirit of cooperation between the school, Coast Guard, city and county.
Cape May City Board of Education President Edward Connelly said the school’s bond with the Coast Guard has grown stronger as fewer families move to Cape May.
Jay Eppenbach, president of the Cape May City Education Association, said Coast Guard parents have been consistently supportive of the school.
“As part of the Partners in Education program, we are further strengthening and solidifying the bond of collaboration and alliance between the Coast Guard and Cape May City Elementary School,” he said.
Mayor Mahaney said the Coast Guard had a rich history of community involvement with the school and the entire community since 1948 when the guard assumed command of the naval base in Cape May.
“It’s a very unique relationship between this city and the U.S. Coast Guard,” he said.
Mahaney said he has heard as Coast Guard families move around the country, they always ask to come back to Cape May due to the school and community. The mayor said he would like to see Cape May designated as a Coast Guard City.
Seven students made speeches about the work of the Coast Guard and the school’s Dancing Dolphins offered a cheer for the guard.
Zelenak, Mahaney and TRACEN Commander, Captain William Kelly signed a proclamation of partnership. Rae said the purpose of the program was to work within the community to increase the level of academic excellence among all students.
He said the partnership would also increase student’s awareness of the Coast Guard’s mission, its people and opportunities it provides for young people.
The Coast Guard agreed to participate in tutorial services and classroom presentations, assist with annual school events, provide speakers and guest instructors, provide career awareness and job shadowing experiences, participate in mentoring programs and conduct tours of local Coast Guard units.
PIE volunteers will assist with the homework club, CG Bear sponsor program, school triathlon, spring dance, and the spring and fall clean up of the nature trail.
Kelly said the Coast Guard has been assisting the school for years. He invited third graders to attend a recruit graduation when the weather was warmer.
Kelly reminded the audience April is the month of the military family as well as 2011 being the Year of the Military Family. He encouraged the school to ask the Coast Guard for “anything and everything.”
The ceremony was closed by a performance of “We Are the World,” from the Cape May City School Choir.

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