Thursday, January 16, 2025


Wilver Marks 102nd Birthday

Wilver Marks 102nd Birthday

By Camille Sailer

O­CEAN CITY — Mil­dred Wilver was born Aug. 3 1913 so at the time of the birthday celebrations Aug. 8-10, organized at the Shores of Wes­ley Man­or in Ocean City in her hon­or, she was 102 years old plus.
Wilver’s home­town is Jer­sey City; and she grew up in Teaneck, graduating from business school and then finding a job at Provi­dent Mu­tu­al Insurance Co. in New York City.
In “The Big Apple” Mil­dred met her hus­band, Jack, and before their mar­riage in the early 1930s he lit­er­al­ly swept her off her feet by going dan­cing on every occa­sion.
Jack, a real es­tate ap­prais­er, was trans­ferred to Phil­a­del­phi­a and the newly­weds moved to Me­di­a, Pa. They soon be­gan tak­ing nieces and neph­ews on va­ca­tions and ex­cur­sions.
Fre­quent­ly their trav­els took them to Ocean City where their first stop would be the li­brar­y to check out plen­ty of books to read on the beach. Af­ter Jack re­tired, Mil­dred and he moved to Ocean City on a full-time ba­sis and be­came com­mit­ted mem­bers of St. Peter’s Unit­ed Method­ist Church where their en­thu­si­as­tic out­reach stimu­lat­ed many new mem­bers to join. 
Jack passed away in 1980 and Wilver de­cid­ed that to keep her in­de­pend­ence she bet­ter learn how to drive. So at the age of 67 she bought her first very own car and took driv­ing les­sons so she could get around on her own.
Wilver has lived at the Shores at Wes­ley Man­or since 2003 and is an ac­tive part of the dis­cus­sion group that talks a­bout cur­rent events and pol­i­tics at meal time.
Of course, par­ty goers want­ed to know the secret to Wilver’s lon­gev­i­ty to which she re­plied, “102 is a lot of years, I be­lieve in God and He’ll take care of the rest.” 
To contact Camille Sailer, email

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