The world’s first and only Wind Chimes Band plans to expand its membership for Ocean City’s Doo Dah Parade on Sat., April 18th.
The band’s dedicated contingent has already performed at such appropriate events as the City’s Weird Contest Week and its Fall Back Festival to critical acclaim.
“And we do mean critical,” notes band founder, Mark Soifer. “We are pleased to report that we have received many critical reviews.”
Requirements are simple. A warm body is necessary. All the warm body has to do is walk the parade route holding a wind chime. Forward motion and an occasional gust of wind will take care of the rest.
And the perks are fantastic. Besides becoming a full fledged member of one of the world’s most elite, non-paying ensembles, all who march will receive a free T-shirt and hotdog lunch from Dietz & Watson—Doo Dah’s major sponsor.
Call now to join. Operators are standing by. Call 609-525-9300. On weekends or after hours call 609-364-4010.
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