On May 16, the City hosts the WALK FOR LUPUS on the boardwalk. The goal is to raise $25,000 for Lupus research. Check in time is 9 a.m. and walk begins 10 a.m. at the Music Pier, Boardwalk and Moorlyn Terrace.
Lupus is an acute and chronic autoimmune disease that damages the immune system. It is estimated that 1.5 million Americans, nearly 45,000 in New Jersey, have a form of Lupus. For information, contact www.walkforlupusnowsouthjersey.org.
The HEART ASSOCIATION WALK: The American Heart Assn.Walk will be held on May 22 with registration, 9 a.m. at the Sports and Civic Center, 6th and Boardwalk. Walk begins 10:30 a.m. Call 609-525-9300 for information.
BARKS ON THE BOARDS: The Annual Doggie/Best Friend Walk is set for Sun., May 30 from noon till 2 p.m. starting at the Music Pier, Boardwalk and Moorlyn Terrace. Registration begins 11:30 a.m.
The walk benefits the Ocean City Humane Society a no-kill shelter named one of the best for its size in the nation. There will be games, contests, prizes with all money benefiting the Society.
All dogs must have current vaccinations and be leashed at all times. It is recommended that dogs under three months of age should sit it out until next year. Pledge forms are available at the shelter’s website, www.HSOCnj.org. or call 609-399-2018.
DOG OF YEAR CONTEST: Applications are now being taken for the annual Dog of the Year Contest, an event that benefits Ocean City’s Dog Park. Deadline for entry is June 20th. Complete information including application is available at oceancitydogpark.org.
Our Annual MEMORIAL DAY SERVICE is set for Mon., May 31 starting 11 a.m. at Veterans Memorial Park, 5th and Wesley Ave. The Service is organized by American Legion Post 524 Commander Elect, Bob Marzulli and VFW Post Commander, Brandon E. Gheen. Guest speaker will be LTC. Peter F. Rapetti, Jr., S2/3 Operations and Intelligence Officer, 57 Troop Command. In the event of rain, the service will be held at the Tabernacle Auditorium across the street from the Park.
The Annual UNLOCK OF THE OCEAN and BUSINESS PERSON’S PLUNGE will be held on May 28, starting noon at the Moorlyn Terrace Beach. Lifeguards turn a large wooden key to unlock Ocean. Folks in business attire then march into the Atlantic to the strains of Pomp and Circumstance to welcome the new season. Call 525-9300 for info.
The Coast Guard Auxiliary Flotilla 81 is conducting MANDATORY BOATING CLASSES now through June. Boating Certification is required to operate a boat in New Jersey Tidal Waters. Courses in GPS for Mariners, How to Read a Nautical Chart and Suddenly in Command are also being offered. Contact 399-4299 or visit www.nws.cgaux.org.
Ocean City’s professional SOCCER TEAM, F Nor’Easters play home games on May 15 and May 22 at Carey Stadium, 6th St. off Boardwalk starting at 7 p.m. Tickets are $6 for adults, $4 for children. Season tickets are available. Call 609-525-9999 or visit www.oceancityfc.com.
The Ocean City Tabernacle, 5th and Wesley Ave., presents famed Welsh tenor HUW PRIDAY on May 30 at 7 p.m., admission is free. Call 609-399-1915 for information.
Free SATURDAY MOVIES are offered at the Ocean City Library’s Annex, 15th and West Ave., at 2 p.m. Refreshments are provided. Call 609-525-9444 Ext. 351.
Wildwood Crest – Several of Donald Trump’s Cabinet picks have created quite a bit of controversy over the last few weeks. But surprisingly, his pick to become the next director of the FBI hasn’t experienced as much…