WEST CAPE MAY — Borough Commission introduced two ordinances Jan. 7 governing installation of wind turbines and solar panels and application/permit fees.
Key points for wind turbines:
• One-half acre minimum lot size.
• For lots between one acre and three acres, wind turbines shall be set back from all property lines a distance equal to 100 percent of the height of the structure including the blades.
For lots larger than three acres, wind turbines shall be set back from all property lines a distance of equal to 200 percent of the height of the structure including the blades. No portion of the wind generator shall extend beyond any overhead utility lines, unless written permission is granted by the utility.
• Wind turbines shall not be permitted in any front yard.
• Maximum height: freestanding wind turbines shall not exceed a height of 50 feet on one-half acre lots and 80 feet on lots between one acre and three acres. On lots of three acres or more, a maximum height of 150 feet is permitted. The maximum height shall include the height of the blades at its highest point.
• No more than one wind turbine shall be permitted per property.
• Wind turbines shall not be permitted as a rooftop installation.
• Wind turbines on residential properties shall have a nameplate capacity of 10 kilowatts or less.
• Noise: between a residential use or zone, sound levels of the wind energy system shall not exceed 42 dBA at a common property line or 30 dBA to the closest occupied structure, whichever is most restrictive. In all other cases at a common property line sound levels of the wind energy system shall not exceed 50 dBA.
These levels may be exceeded during short-term events such as utility outages and/or severe windstorms.
• Wind turbines shall be designed with an automatic brake to prevent over speeding and excessive pressure on the tower structure.
• The tower shall be designed and installed so as not to provide step bolts, a ladder, or other publicly accessible means of climbing the tower for a minimum height of twelve feet above the ground. All moving parts of the wind energy system shall be a minimum of 15 feet above ground level.
The blades on the wind energy system shall be constructed of a corrosive-resistant material. All guy wires or any part of the wind energy system shall be located on the same lot as the energy system.
• The structural design shall be signed and sealed by a professional engineer registered in the State of New Jersey. The support tower shall be designed to survive a wind of 120 mph with a three second, 140 mph gust.
The design calculations shall include a soil boring at the tower location and a soils analysis. If the soils of the site are not satisfactory for the intended construction, the plans shall be designed to eliminate or overcome poor soil conditions.
Key points for solar energy systems:
• Solar panels shall be permitted as a rooftop installation in any zoning district. The solar panels shall not exceed a height of eight inches from the rooftop. In no event shall the placement of the solar panels result in a total height including building and panels than what is permitted in the zoning district, which they are located for the principal building.
• Solar panels shall be permitted as ground arrays in accordance with the following: all ground arrays shall be set back a distance of 20 feet from all property lines in a residential zoning district or in conformance with the bulk standards for accessory structures in commercial districts. Ground arrays shall not be permitted in a front yard and shall be located so that any glare is directed away from an adjoining property. Ground arrays shall not exceed a height of 15 feet.
• The installation of a wind or solar energy system is subject to all Atlantic City Electric Company requirements for interconnection.
• A zoning permit shall be required for the installation of a small wind energy and/or solar energy system. An owner shall submit an application to the administrator for a zoning permit for a small wind energy and/or solar energy system.
Borough Commission also introduced an ordinance setting fees for wind and solar installations. Application fee for wind and solar installations is $500. An escrow deposit of $1,200 will be required.
For wind/solar installation in connection with a minor site plan, the application fee is $250 and the escrow deposit is reduced to $1,000.
The zoning permit fee would be $500.
A public hearing and second reading of the ordinance is scheduled for Feb. 11 at 7 p.m. at Borough Hall.
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