Sea Isle City’s newest off-season event, the 1st Annual Jersey Shore Striper Tournament, will be held Friday, Nov. 5.
Michael Monichetti, owner of Mike’s Seafood Dock Restaurant and Jimmy Bennett, owner of the Lobster Loft Restaurant, have come together again in hopes of putting on another first class event.
Jimmy and Mike are hoping the tournament will one day become the premier striper tournament at the Jersey Shore by bringing back the time-honored family tradition of the fishing lifestyle back to the Jersey Shore.
The boundaries for the tournament’s first year stretch from L.B.I. down to and including the Delaware Bay. The Tournament will begin at 7 a.m. Friday Nov. 5 and ends Sunday Nov. 7 at 2 p.m., with daily weigh-ins at Mike’s Seafood in Sea Isle City from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.
On Sunday, an All-U-Can Eat Seafood Buffet and Awards Ceremony will be held at the Lobster Loft Restaurant in Sea Isle City. There will also be a 50/50 Calcutta for autism. As you are probably aware, autism is being diagnosed at an alarming rate among our children with the number now at one out of every 110 children.
With the funds generated through the tournament, Jimmy and Mike hope to support coastal beach clean-ups, promote awareness of the fragile ecosystems of our back bays and estuaries, and the protection of the marine wildlife that is indigenes to our area.
We have the facilities, the know-how, the organization, the volunteers, and the determination to hold a premier event that will benefit many different areas in need of awareness and help.
Registrations are available at many locations, and with the help from local bait and tackle shops, marinas, and businesses, the registrations forms are available just about wherever you go.
Registration fees are as follows: boat up to and including captain $200, and Individual Anglers $40 for surf fishing. Deadline for registration is Thursday Nov. 4 at 7 p.m.
Registration forms can be mailed to Mike’s Seafood, 43rd and the Bay, Sea Isle City, NJ 08243; or Lobster Loft, 42nd and the Bay, Sea Isle City, NJ 08243. Checks can be made out to Mike’s Seafood or the Lobster Loft.
Should you have any questions or comments, please phone 609-741-7728 or email Applications are available online through, and Mike’s Seafood Facebook page.
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