WILDWOOD — Flotilla 83 serving the Avalon, Sea Isle City, Stone Harbor and the Wildwoods announced that Howard Friedman, an officer responsible for Member Training and Recruitment, earned three senior certifications.
The certificates earned are as follows: AUXCOM, the Auxiliary Communica-tions Specialty course; AUXWEA, the Auxiliary Weather Specialty course, designed to present the auxiliarist with a thorough knowledge of weather, its importance in the marine environment and to the conduct of safe and effective operations, and AUX-SEA, the Auxiliary Seamanship Specialty course, designed to present the auxiliarist with a thorough knowledge of vessels and proficiency in their operation.
Established by Congress in 1939, the 30,000 members of the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary are Semper Paratus (Always Ready). Vessel safety checks, harbor patrols, safe boating courses, search and rescue and marine environmental protection are just a few of the services provided by the Auxiliary.
Cape May – Governor Murphy says he doesn't know anything about the drones and doesn't know what they are doing but he does know that they are not dangerous. Does anyone feel better now?