This year, 2010 marks the 20th anniversary of the Brendan Borek Surf Memorial.
Brendan Borek loved life, and life, it seemed, loved Brendan. An avid surfer, gifted artist, and an agile soccer player, his teenage years mirrored life at its fullest.
Diagnosed with Ewing’s Sarcoma (cancer of the bone) at 16, he vied against death with courage and dignity until the disease claimed him in December 1991.
Because Brendan touched the hearts of many, the Brendan Borek High Tides Memorial Fund, Inc. (Brendan’s Fund) was established in 1992 by his family and friends.
Since 1992, Brendan’s Fund has supported many children and their families as they face the life-altering challenges brought about by pediatric cancer. Many of you have learned about Brendan’s Fund and its mission because the Fund has helped a child who is a relative or neighbor, or possibly through the many events sponsored in the community.
However you found out about Brendan’s Fund, your confidence in us has enabled us to grow into an organization that is responsive to the needs of families in crisis. Through your generous support we have been able to:
• Pay for travels, food and lodging to hospitals in Philadelphia and beyond for treatment.
• Absorb the costs of airfare and lodging for monthly out-of-state medical check-ups.
• Provide tutoring for children who have learning problems related to their cancer treatments.
• Donate laptop computers to children to keep them in touch with school and friends.
• Make rent, mortgage, car, and auto repair payments as needed.
• Give monthly supermarket certificates for food.
• Provide holiday baskets, gift certificates and Back-to-School shopping certificates for each child in the family.
• Offer emotional support through our social worker and intra-family contacts.
• Give scholarship monies to our children.
• Pay funeral costs when needed.
Del Haven – To the Middle Twp. Police administrator who said he was on the outside looking in at the police dept.. You are correct. You have no idea what you are doing and how you make your officers feel. You…