COURT HOUSE – Each summer, George Kerns and his son Richie spend their days on the Wildwood Boardwalk playing the Boardwalk games, collecting toys for children.
While most struggle to win, son Richie Kerns has the knack for winning and the father-and-son team win hundreds of toys over the summer.
It’s a win-win for the Kerns; they spend time together soaking up the sun but also share their good fortune with others.
The dynamic duo donates the won toys to the Villas Veterans of Foreign Wars post and other organizations around the community.
When they heard about the toy drive in the summer for the CARA (Coalition Against Rape and Abuse) organization, the Kerns showed up and dropped off toys to donate to the children for Christmas.
George Kerns was recently given a Quilt of Valor at his current residence at Genesis Rehabilitation Center.
Kerns, who served in the Army during the Korean War, was presented a quilt and matching pillowcase from the South Jersey Quilts of Valor organization.
Hand-made quilts are sewn and given to U.S. veterans thanking them for their dedication and service.
Kerns, a humble man, was delighted and hopes to be back up on the Boardwalk next summer collecting toys and enjoying the Boardwalk hustle and bustle.
Stone Harbor – Come on CNN, FOX shows democrat AND republican news! Get with it or you are going to lose again. DeSantis was just now and you CNN did not show it. How are people going to get fair and balanced news…