Campbell Insurance and Financial Services – Allstate Insurance 15 S. Main St., CMCH, NJ 609-465-1500
Cape Regional Medical Center reported the following births:
Perry Noel Justice Chew to Kate Chew and Mickey Chew, Cape May, 12/19/2020
Colton Iyiah Doyle to Kayla Whitehead and Casey Doyle, Cape May County,12/22/2020
Bellamy Wayne Sun to Tala Sun, Cape May Court House, 12/22/2020
Slayden Lisa Grace to Taylor Grace and Christopher Grace, N. Cape May12/25/2020
Benjamin Joshua Casanova to Kaitlyn Verity and Joseph Casanova, Villas, 12/29/2020
Cape May – The true test of Trump's gutting of the FBI and CIA will be the damage that is done in the future by those who wish to attack our country. If Trump miscalculates on intel, and our country…