COURT HOUSE – The Rutgers Cooperative Extension of Cape May County Family and Community Health Sciences (FCHS) program will hold the Lunch and Learn Program “Step it Up…Ways to Be More Active,”from 12:15-12:45 p.m. Aug. 26.
According to a county release, this presentation is part of the virtual Lunch and Learn series, presented by Chris Zellers, Cape May County FCHS educator/assistant professor, offered the fourth Thursday of the month, except for the months of June, November, and December.
Zellers stated, “This series allows viewers a chance to have lunch, while at work or at home, and learn about a variety of wellness topics at the same time. This month, we will focus on the benefits of physical activity.”
The program will include information on how to add more physical activity into a day and encourage living an active lifestyle.”
To register, go to After registering, those enrolled will receive an email with information about joining the meeting. Lunch and Learn sessions are recorded and available for the public to view on the Rutgers Cooperative Extension of Cape May County’s YouTube channel.
For up-to-date information, follow them on Facebook, at FCHSCapeMayCounty, or visit their website,
Cape May Point – Wait until the DOGE Bros and Trump have to explain why there was a terrorist attack and the team that normally handled counterterrorism has long been disbanded. Imagine the cost in lives and property…