Friday, February 7, 2025


Church Road to Close for Resurfacing

Church Road to Close for Resurfacing

From Cape May County

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MARMORA – Beginning on Monday April 22, 2024, and continuing for approximately two weeks, Church Road (CR 602) will be closed and detoured to allow for the base and intermediate paving of the roadway. The roadway will be closed during the hours of 7:00am to 5:00pm during active periods of excavation, milling, and paving. Local traffic will be maintained, and residents will always have access to their homes. The roadway will be reopened to through traffic at the end of each day depending upon the roadway condition and progress of construction.

The milling and paving work will occur in two stages, with the first stage of road work occurring between Tuckahoe Road (CR 631) and Stagecoach Road (CR 667). This portion of the roadway will be closed to thru traffic during active construction periods and a detour will be in place. Traffic heading northwest along Church Road will be detoured onto Stagecoach Road in a northerly direction to Tuckahoe Road where they will be directed west along Tuckahoe Road. Traffic heading east along Tuckahoe Road and wishing to access Church Road will be detoured and continue east along Tuckahoe Road to Stagecoach Road. Traffic will then be directed south along Stagecoach Road back to Church Road and will be permitted to travel east along Church Road to US Route 9.

Upon completion of the stage one work, stage two work will occur along Church Road between Stagecoach Road and Route 9. During stage two work, Church Road between Route 9 and Stagecoach Road will be closed during active construction. Traffic heading north along Route 9 wishing to access Church Road will be directed to continue north to Tuckahoe Road, where they will be directed west along Tuckahoe Road. Traffic heading south on Route 9 and wishing to access Church Road will continue travelling south to Butter Road (CR 637) where they will be directed northeast along Stagecoach Road to Church Road. Traffic heading southeast along Church Road will be detoured southwest onto Stagecoach Road to Butter Road (CR 637) then southeast on Butter Road to Route 9.

Motorists are advised to proceed with caution along the detour routes and to exercise extreme caution if travelling along the portion of Church Road that is undergoing milling and paving as there will be limited visibility and a 2” to 5” drop off along the centerline at the interface of the new and existing paving.

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